Sunday Bulletins

02/16/2025 - 34th Sunday After Pentecost - Sunday of the Prodigal Son, St. Nicholas, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Archbishop of Japan

02/09/2025 - 33rd Sunday After Pentecost - Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, Beginning of the Lenten Triodion, Martyr Nikephoros of Antioch in Syriae

02/02/2025 - 32nd Sunday After Pentecost - Sunday of Zacchaeus, The Meeting of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in the Temple

01/25/2025 - 31st Sunday After Pentecost - New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, Ven. Xenophon, his wife, Mary, and their two sons, Arcadius and John, of Constantinople

01/19/2025 - 30th Sunday After Pentecost - Ven. Macarius the Great of Egypt, Ven. Macarius of Alexandria, St. Mark, Archbishop of Ephesus

01/12/2025 - 29th Sunday After Pentecost - Afterfeast of the Theophany, Sunday after Theophany, Martyr Tatiana of Rome and those who suffered with her Venerable Martinian

01/05/2025 - 28th Sunday After Pentecost - Eve of Theophany, Sunday before Theophan, Hieromartyr Theopemptus, Bishop of Nicomedia, and Martyr Theonas, Prophet Micah

12/29/2024 - 27th Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Righteous Ones: Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and James the Brother of the Lord. Sunday after Nativity, The 14,000 Infants (Holy Innocents) slain by Herod at Bethlehem

12/22/2024 - 26th Sunday After Pentecost - Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ, Sunday before the Nativity, Great Martyr Anastasia

12/15/2024 - 25th Sunday After Pentecost - Sunday of the Forefathers, Hieromartyr Eleutherius, Bishop of Illyria, his mother, Martyr Evanthia, and Caribus the Eparch (2nd c.), Ven. Paul of Latros

12/08/2024 - 24th Sunday After Pentecost - 362 Martyrs of Africa, Ven. Patapius of Thebes, Holy Apostles of the Seventy: Sosthenes, Apollos, Cephas, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Cæsar, and Onesiphorus

12/01/2024 - 23rd Sunday After Pentecost - Venerable Botolph of Iken, Prophet Nahum

11/24/2024 - 22nd Sunday After Pentecost - Afterfeast of the Entry Into the Temple, Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria, Great Martyr Mercurius of Cæsarea in Cappadocia

11/17/2024 - 21st Sunday After Pentecost - St. Gregory, Wonderworker of Neo-Cæsarea, Ven. Nikon, Abbot of Rádonezh

11/10/2024 - 20th Sunday After Pentecost - Apostles of the Seventy: Erastus, Olympas, Herodion, Sosipater, Quartus, and Tertius

11/03/2024 - 19th Sunday After Pentecost - Martyrs Akepsimas the Bishop, Joseph the Presbyter, and Aeithalas the Deacon, of Persia

10/27/2024 - 18th Sunday After Pentecost - Martyr Nestor of Thessalonica, Ven. Nestor the Chronicler of theKiev Caves

10/20/2024 - 17th Sunday After Pentecost - Greatmartyr Artemius at Antioch, Righteous Child Artemius of Verkola

10/13/2024 - 16th Sunday After Pentecost - Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council, Martyrs Carpus, Papylus, Agathadorus, and Agathonica, at Pergamum

10/06/2024 - 15th Sunday After Pentecost - Glorification of St. Innocent, Apostle to the Americas, Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas, Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council

09/29/2024 - 14th Sunday After Pentecost - Ven. Kyriakos the Anchorite, Martyrs Dadas, Gabdelas, and Casdoa of Persia

09/22/2024 - 13th Sunday After Pentecost - Hieromartyr Phocas, Bishop of Sinopè, Prophet Jonah

09/15/2024 - 12th Sunday After Pentecost - Afterfeast of the Elevation of the Cross. Sunday after Elevation Greatmartyr Niketas (Nikita) the Goth

09/08/2024 - 11th Sunday After Pentecost - The Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady, Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, Sunday before Elevation, Icons of the Mother of God: “KURSK-ROOT” Icon of the Sign, “POCHAEV”, “KHOLMSK”, and others

09/01/2024 - 10th Sunday After Pentecost - Church New Year (Indiction), St. Simeon the Stylite (the Elder) and his mother, Ven. Martha

08/25/2024 - 9th Sunday After Pentecost - Return of the Relics of the Apostle Bartholomew from Anastasiopolis to Lipari, Holy Apostle Titus of the Seventy, Bishop of Cretee

08/18/2024 - 8th Sunday After Pentecost - Afterfeast of the Dormition, Martyrs Florus and Laurus of Illyria, Martyrs Hermes, Serapion and Polyænus, of Rome

08/11/2024 - 7th Sunday After Pentecost - Afterfeast of the Transfiguration, Holy Martyr and Archdeacon Euplus (Euplius) of Catania

07/28/2024 - 5th Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Apostles of the Seventy and Deacons: Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas

07/21/204 - 4th Sunday After Pentecost - The Finding of the honored relics of the Venerable right-believing Great Princess and Nun Anna of Kashin, Wonderworker Prophet Ezekiel

07/14/2024 - 3rd Sunday After Pentecost - Fathers of the 1st Six Ecumenical Councils, Apostle Aquila of the Seventy, Ven. Stephen, Abbot of Mákhrishchei

07/07/2024 - 2nd Sunday After Pentecost - All Saints of America, Ven. Thomas of Mount Maleos, Ven. Acacius of Sinai

06/07/2024 - 6th Sunday of Pascha - Blind Man, St. Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria

06/02/2024 - 5th Sunday of Pascha - Smaritan Woman, St. Nikephoros the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople, Greatmartyr John the New of Sochi

05/19/2024 - 3rd Sunday of Pascha -  Myrrhbearing Women, Hieromartyr Patrick, Bishop of Prussa, and his companions Saint Dimitry Donskoy

05/12/2024 - Antipascha - 2nd Sunday of Pascha, St. Thomas Sunday, St. Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus, St. Germanus, Patriarch of Constantinople

05/05/2024 - Holy Pascha - The Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

04/28/2024 - Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem - Palm Sunday, Apostles Jason and Sosipater of the Seventy

04/21/2024 - Fifth Sunday of Lent - St. Mary of Egypt, Hieromartyr Januarius, Bishop of Benevento and his companions

04/14/2024 - Fourth Sunday of Lent - St. John Climacus (of the Ladder), St. Martin the Confessor, Pope of Rome

04/07/2024 - Third Sunday of Lent - Veneration of the Cross, Repose of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and Enlightener of North America, Saint George the Confessor, Bishop of Mytilene

03/31/2024 - Second Sunday of Lent -  ST. Gregory Palamas, Synaxis of the Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Caves, Repose of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow, Enlightener of the Aleuts and Apostle to the Americas

03/24/2024 - First Sunday of Lent - Sunday of Orthodoxy, Forefeast of the Annunciation, Ven. Zachariah the Recluse, St. Artemius Bishop of Seleucia

03/17/2024 - Sunday of Cheesefare - The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, Ven. Aleksy (Alexius) the Man of God, St. Patrick, Enlightener of Ireland

03/10/3024 - Sunday of Meatfare - Sunday of the Last Judgment, Martyr Quadratus and those with him

03/03/2024 - Sunday of the Prodigal Son - Martyr Eutropius of Amasea, and with him Martyrs Cleonicus and Basiliscus

02/25/2024 - 38th Sunday After Pentecost - Sunday of the Publican and The Pharisee, St. Tarasius, Archbishop of Constantinople

02/18/2024 - 37th Sunday After Pentecost - Sunday of Zacchaeus, St. Leo the Great, Pope of Rome, St. Flavian the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

02/11/2024 - 36th Sunday After Pentecost - Hieromartyr Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste, Ven. Dimitri Wonderworker of Prilukir

02/04/2024 - 35th Sunday After Pentecost - Afterfeast of the Meeting, Ven. Isidore of Pelusium, Rt. Blv. George, Great Prince of Vladimir

01/28/2024 - 34th Sunday After Pentecost - New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, Ven. Ephraim the Syrian

01/21/2024 - 33rd Sunday After Pentecost - Ven. Maximus the Confessor, Martyr Neophytus of Nicæa

01/14-2024 - 32nd Sunday After Pentecost - Leavetaking of the Theophany, St. Savva I, first Archbishop of Serbia, Saint Nina, Equal of the Apostles, Enlightener of Georgia

01/07/2024 - 31st Sunday After Pentecost - Afterfeast of the Theophany, Synaxis of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John

12/31/2023 - 30th Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Righteous Ones: Joseph the Betrothed, David the King, and James the Brother of the Lord, Leavetaking of the Nativity

12/24/2023 - 29th Sunday After Pentecost - Eve of the Nativity of Christ, Sunday before the Nativity, Nun-martyr Eugenia of Rome

12/17/2023 - 28th Sunday After Pentecost - Sunday of the Forefathers, Holy Prophet Daniel and the Three Holy Youths: Ananias, Azarias and

12/10/2023 - 27th Sunday After Pentecost - Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes, and Eugraphus, of Alexandria, St. Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod

12/03/2023 - 26th Sunday After Pentecost - Prophet Zephaniah, Ven. Savva, Abbot of Zvenígorod

11/26/2023 - 25th Sunday After Pentecost - The Righteous Gideon, Ven. Alypius the Stylite of Adrianopolis, Repose of St. Innocent, first Bishop of Irkutsk

11/19/2023 - 24th Sunday After Pentecost - Prophet Obadiah Martyr Barlaam of Cæsarea in Cappadocia

11/12/2023 - 23rd Sunday After Pentecost - Saint Varnava, St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Constantinople, Ven. Nilus the Faster

11/05/2023 - 22nd Sunday After Pentecost - Synaxis of the Holy Unmercenary, Saints Martyrs Galaction and his wife, Repose of St. Jonah, Archbishop of Novgorod

10/29/2023 - 21st Sunday After Pentecost - Monastic Martyr Anastasia of Rome, Ven. Abramius the Recluse, and his niece, Bl. Mary, of Mesopotamia

10/22/2023 - 20th Sunday After Pentecost - Saint Averkios the Wonderworker, Bishop of Hieropolis, Equal of the Apostles, The Holy Seven Youths (“Seven
Sleepers”) of Ephesus

10/15/2023 - 19th Sunday After Pentecost - Ven. Euthymius the New, of Thessalonica, Monk of Mt. Athos, Martyr Lucian, Presbyter of Antioch

10/08/2023 - 18th Sunday After Pentecost - Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council, Ven. Pelagía the Penitent

10/01/2023 - 17th Sunday After Pentecost - Protection (Pokrov) of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, Apostle of the Seventy Ananias, Ven. Romanus the Melodist

09/24/2023 - 16th Sunday After Pentecost - Holy New Martyrs of Alaska, Juvenaly and Peter the Aleut, Holy Protomartyr and Equal-to-the-Apostles Thecla, Ven. Silouan of Mt. Athos

09/17/2023 - 15th Sunday After Pentecost - Afterfeast of the Elevation of the Cross Martyr Sophia, and her three daughters: Faith, Hope, and Love

09/10/2023 - 14th Sunday After Pentecost  - Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos, Sunday before Elevation, Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora, at Nicomedia

09/03/2023 - 13th Sunday After Pentecost - Hieromartyr Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedia, and those with him, St. Phoebe, Deaconess at Cenchreæ

08/27/2023 - 12th Sunday After Pentecost - Ven. Poemen the Great Hieromartyr Kuksha and Ven. Pimen of the Kiev Caves

08/20/2023 - 11th Sunday After Pentecost - Afterfeast of the Dormition, Prophet Samuel, Hieromartyr Philip, Bishop of Heraclea

07/23/2023 - 7th Sunday After Pentecost - Martyrs Trophimus, Theophilus, and 13 others in Lycia Hieromartyr Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna

07/16/2023 - 6th Sunday After Pentecost - Fathers of the 1st Six Ecumenical Councils Hieromartyr Athenogenes, Bishop of Heracleopolis

07/09/2023 - 5th Sunday After Pentecost - Hieromartyr Pancratius, Bishop of Taormina in Sicily, Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyna in Crete

07/02/2023 - 4th Sunday After Pentecost - The Placing of the Honorable Robe of the Most-holy Mother of God at Blachernæ, Saint John [Maximovitch], Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco

06/25/2023 - 3rd Sunday After Pentecost - Saint Theoleptos, Metropolitan of Philadelphia, Ss. Peter and Fevronia

06/18/2023 - 2nd Sunday After Pentecost - All Saints of America, Martyr Leontius

06/11/2023 - 1st Sunday After Pentecost - All Saints, Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas

06/04/2023 - 8th Sunday of Pascha - Holy Pentecost  Feast of the Holy Trinity, St. Metrophanes, first Patriarch of Constantinople

05/28/2023 - 7th Sunday of Pascha - Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, Afterfeast of Ascension, St. Niketas, Bishop of Chalcedon

05/21/2023 - 6th Sunday of Pascha - Blind Man, Holy Equals-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine and his mother, Helen

05/14/2023 - 5th Sunday of Pascha - Samaritan Woman Martyrs Isidore and Myrope of Chios, Ven. Isidore, Fool-for-Christ, Wonderworker of Rostov

05/07/2023 - 4th Sunday of Pascha - Repose of St. Alexis Toth, Confessor and Defender of Orthodoxy in America, Paralytic

04/30/2023 - 3rd Sunday of Pascha - Holy Apostle James (Jacob), the brother of St. John the Theologian, Myrrhbearing Women

04/23/2023 - Antipascha - 2nd Sunday of Pascha, Holy Glorious Greatmartyr George, St. Thomas Sunday

04/16/2023 - Holy Pascha - The Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

04/09/2023 - Entry of Our Loard into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday -  Martyr Eupsychius of Cæsarea in Cappadocia

04/02/2023 - Fifth Sunday of Lent - St Mary of Egypt, Virgin Martyr Theodora of Tyre

03/26/2023 - Fourth Sunday of Lent - Leavetaking of the Annunciation Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel, St. John Climacus

03/19/2023 - Third Sunday of Lent - Veneration of the Cross, Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria, and those with them at Rome

03/12/2023 - Second Sunday of Lent- St. Gregory Palamas, Synaxis of the Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Caves Lavra, St. Gregory Dialogus, Pope of Rome, Ven. Simeon the New Theologian

03/05/2023 - First Sunday of Lent - Sunday of  Orthodoxy- St. Martyr Conon of Isauria, St. Mark the Faster of Egypt

02/26/2023 - 37th Sunday after Pentecost - Sunday of Cheesefare, The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise St. Porphyrius, Bishop of Gaza

02/19/2023 - 36th Sunday after Pentecost - Sunday of the Last Judgement, Apostles of the Seventy Archippus and Philemon, and Martyr Apphia

02/12/2023 - 35th Sunday after Pentecost - Sunday of the Prodigal Son, St. Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch, St. Aleksy, Metropolitan of Moscow

02/05/2023 - 34th Sunday after Pentecost - Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee Afterfeast of the Meeting. Repose of St. Theodosius of Chernígov Martyr Agatha of Palermo in Sicily

01/29/2023 - 33rd Sunday after Pentecost - Sunday of Zacchaeus Translation of the Relics of Hieromartyr Ignatius the Godbearer, Bishop of Antioch

01/22/2023 - 32nd Sunday after Pentecost - New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia Apostle Timothy of the Seventy

01/15/2023 - 31st Sunday after Pentecost - Ven. Paul of Thebes John Calabytes

01/08/2023 - 30th Sunday after Pentecost - Afterfeast of the Theophany Sunday after Theophany Ven. George the Chozebite

01/01/2023 - 29th Sunday after Pentecost - The Circumcision of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ St. Basil the Great

12/25/2022 - 28th Sunday after Pentecost - The Nativity According to the Flesh of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ The Adoration of the Magi

12/18/2022 - 27th Sunday after Pentecost - Sunday before the Nativity Sunday of the Holy Fathers Martyr Sebastian at Rome and his companions

12/11/2022 - 26th Sunday after Pentecost - Sunday of the Forefathers Ven. Daniel the Stylite Ven. Nikon the Dry of the Kiev Caves 

12/04/2022 - 25th Sunday after Pentecost - Glorification of Hieromartyr Alexander (Hotovitzky) Ven. John of Damascus Greatmartyr Barbara 

All Saints of America Orthodox Mission is an Orthodox Christian community in Alexandria, VA, where all can be transformed into people of the joyful life dedicated to the spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are a parish of the Orthodox Church in America.

All Saints of America Mission
3130 Franconia Rd | Alexandria, VA 22310 | 703.828.5068