Our Parish

All Saints of America Orthodox Church is a parish of the Orthodox Church in America in Alexandria, VA. We are a welcoming parish with a diverse membership of converts and cradle Orthodox Christians from various backgrounds. 

With the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Herman, our mission was established by the late Archpriest Michael Koblosh of blessed memory in 2008. Serving in old town Alexandria for the first few years, the parish is now temporarily located as the Reineker-Hall building of Cameron Methodist Church. With God's help, we hope to look for a larger and permanent home soon.

We are blessed to welcome visitors every week, and we invite you to come and visit us at All Saints. We are a family-friendly community with many children dedicated to worshiping our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ, and serving our neighbor with Christian love.

All of our liturgical services are in English. Please contact our priest, Fr. Alessandro, with any questions (fatheralessandro@gmail.com; 703-828-5068).


Here is a link to pictures from our archives. 

All Saints of America Orthodox Mission is an Orthodox Christian community in Alexandria, VA, where all can be transformed into people of the joyful life dedicated to the spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are a parish of the Orthodox Church in America.

All Saints of America Mission
3130 Franconia Rd | Alexandria, VA 22310
info@orthodoxalexandria.org | 703.828.5068